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Ask Us Anything with Christy Price

Christy Price and I are doing an “Ask Us Anything” webinar on Oct 6th and I would love to see you in there! These webinars are info-packed, fun, and live discussions where we answer as many as your questions as we can. Register here, and ask a question in the Q&A tab. Even if you can’t make it live, you can still watch the replay!

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Live Webinar! AMA with Christy Price on May 17th

I’ve got my brave pants on and I’m ready for your hardest q’s.

Even if you don’t have a question, come hang out with Christy Price and I as we talk about all things Squarespace, coding, and starting/running your own business on Tuesday May 17th, we’ll be going live at 11am EST. Would love to have you join us!

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Squarespace News, Free Will Myers Squarespace News, Free Will Myers

Auto-Layouts for Squarespace 7.1 Explained

Squarespace Auto-Layout Sections are now available as a new section-type for all Squarespace 7.1 websites. In this article, I’m going to show you an example of the 3 different layouts, review some of my favorite features, as well as point out the differences between the Auto-Laytout Banner Slideshow and my Pro Section Slider plugin. Let’s dive in.

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Tips & Tricks, Squarespace News, Free Will Myers Tips & Tricks, Squarespace News, Free Will Myers

Squarespace 7.1 Tutorial for Beginners: Start, Build, and Launch A Website in An Hour

If you want to build your own website, whether its for a personal website, a portfolio website, or your business, this is where you should start. No coding skills or advanced knowledge required, this is a beginner-friendly tutorial for first-time website builders, and a good tour of the new Squarespace 7.1 for those who have been building in 7.0.

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Squarespace News, Free Will Myers Squarespace News, Free Will Myers

Squarespace Buys Unfold

From Crunchbase:

“Social media is a place where many creators get started before launching a website,” said Anthony Casalena, Squarespace founder and CEO, in a press release. “As a first in our category, we’re excited to provide our customers with a way to stand out no matter how they are getting started.”

This quote tells me that Squarespace is either 1) looking to build out their own marketing funnel or 2) looking to become an ‘online presence’ company rather than a ‘website-building’ company.

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Squarespace News, Free Will Myers Squarespace News, Free Will Myers

Squarespace 7.1 Review

While I don’t think this update is going to effect job security for the Squarespace designer, the focus of this update isn’t for the web designer. I believe that Squarespace, in the long-term, is primarily focusing more on the small business owner who is trying to build their own website rather than the website agency or freelancer who is building websites for others for a living. Just food for thought.

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Squarespace News, Free Will Myers Squarespace News, Free Will Myers

Podcast [10] Squarespace 7.1 & Facebook

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Have you ever found yourself pondering the vast similarities between Facebook, the Church, and Daenerys Targaryen? No? Well you’re going to when we dive into FB’s new ventures in cryptocurrency and the potential impact (good and bad) of a messianic purpose driven leader (enter Mark Z./the Pope/Mother of

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