Auto-Layouts for Squarespace 7.1 Explained

Squarespace Auto Layouts are now available as a new section-type for all Squarespace 7.1 websites. In this article, I’m going to review some of my favorite features, as well as point out the differences between the Auto Layout Banner Slideshow and my Pro Section Slider plugin. Let’s dive in.

Creating an Auto Layout Section

You create a new Auto Layout Section the same way you would a normal section. You can only add list section onto a page that allow for well, sections. So this includes any normal page you add, but doesn’t include product pages, blog pages, and event pages (Although the “Collection” page does work for each of these).

Squarespace Auto-Layouts are now available as a new section-type for all Squarespace 7.1 websites. In this article, I’m going to show you an example of the 3 different layouts, review some of my favorite features, as well as point out the differences between the List Slider and my Pro Section Slider plugin. Let’s dive in.


This is a new element, so the features that I discuss in this article might be changed by Squarespace in the future.

Creating an Auto-Layout Section

You create a new Auto Layout Section the same way you would a normal section. By hitting that blue “add section” button in the Squarespace Editor.

You can only add an Auto Layout section onto a page that allow for well, sections. So this includes any normal page you add, but doesn’t include product pages, blog pages, and event pages (Although the “Collection” page does work for each of these).

Currently, there are 26 different layout presets you can choose from. These are presets because each one has the same base features and can be adjusted in the same way (watch me adjust the layout in the video above). So just pick one and get started!

Adding List Items

Once you have an Auto-Layout section on your page, you need to add in the List Items. You can edit each List Item on the Content tab of the section editor.

Here are some examples of what each item might be.

  • If you’re creating a list of product features, each feature would be a list item

  • If you’re creating a slideshow, each slide would be a list item

  • If you’re creating a logo carousel, each logo would be a list item

Each List Item can hold an image, a title, a description, and link. You also have the option of adding a Title and Button for the entire section.

Choosing a Layout


You can choose from 3 different layout styles in the design tab.

  1. Simple List

  2. Banner Slideshow

  3. Carousel

Each one of these is pretty cool and unique in its own right, so let’s dive into each of these individually and talk about which situations each of these would be best used.

Adjusting Fonts and Colors

Changing the fonts and colors is in the Design » Site Styles area. To adjust the colors, click on “Colors” and then the color theme you want to adjust. You can adjust the colors on each layout type from above.

The Simple List

The Simple List is best used when the list items should be the focus for the user. You might not be exactly sure what the user is looking for, so you place all of the items in an easy to see way.

Examples For a Simple List:

  • A list of features for a Product or Service

  • Testimonials - With focus on highlighting key messages

Below, I’ve built out an example “Simple List” section highlighting features of my video element plugin.

Our Exciting Features

  • Feature 1

    Nisi officia ex eiusmod ex nulla cillum. In veniam Lorem nostrud sit enim. Adipisicing ad consectetur minim labore eu officia laboris occaecat sunt.

  • Feature 2

    Deserunt aliqua incididunt magna cupidatat fugiat nisi non exercitation in sint. Lorem adipisicing esse quis culpa amet culpa eiusmod.

  • Feature 3

    Magna est aliquip consequat sint culpa culpa voluptate ullamco exercitation consequat. Aute eu eiusmod qui aliqua sunt consequat cupidatat ea eiusmod consectetur minim dolor.

  • Feature 4

    Laboris tempor est cupidatat dolor elit irure deserunt laborum excepteur. Et velit occaecat in consequat anim ea Lorem consequat ea nulla. Ullamco proident veniam aute nostrud qui.

  • Feature 5

    Proident culpa commodo laboris esse culpa non commodo dolor anim. Culpa Lorem incididunt ipsum sit fugiat ullamco occaecat consectetur.

  • Feature 6

    Enim sunt do nostrud officia irure nulla ipsum esse quis. Nisi consectetur irure dolore excepteur consequat dolore ut pariatur et cillum.

The Banner Slideshow

A Banner Slideshow is great when you want to focus the users attention to one specific thing. This is great for products, services, or portfolios with beautiful imagery. The first slide in a slideshow is important here, many people don’t move on to the next slide.

You also have the option for 'infinite scroll', which is pretty cool. There are some key differences between this and my Slider Pro plugin, which I’ll go over below, but for many use cases, I think this Banner Slideshow would be great.

Examples For a Banner Slideshow

  • First Section of a Page highlighting the key marketing messages

  • To display the featured images in a collection of images

  • To display the featured videos in a Collection of videos

Below is an example of a Banner Slideshow highlighting the key marketing messages of a webpage.

One thing I’ll point out here since I struggled to find it is where to display the navigation arrows. Edit Content » Design Tab » Style » Navigation Controls. You’re probably smarter than me, but there it is.

  • Two people wearing helmets and safety gear, riding electric scooters on a city sidewalk.

    Feature 1

    This is a description about this e-scooter. Probably would say something millennial-y like, “OMG, Scoot the neighborhood, LOL”

  • Mountain landscape with snow-capped peaks and a modern building in the foreground.

    Build it.

    There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest.

  • Mountain range with a turquoise lake in the foreground under a cloudy sky.

    Grow it.

    The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it.

A carousel is great when the collection of items is the focus for the user as opposed to the simple list which focuses on the list. This is best used when vertical space is a concern, and your user might stop at this section and scroll through the items.

This layout also has the option to infinite scroll the items.

Examples For a Carousel

  • List of Team Members

  • Most Recently Published Articles

  • List of Testimonials - With focus on providing social proof


There are still a number of features that this doesn’t have. I’ve listed out a few below:

  • No Auto Scroll (surely this will come out soon)

  • No Navigation Indicator to see how many items there are per section

  • Limited content per item

  • No way to link to a blog / portfolio / event collection

My slider pro plugin addresses some of these, but I’ll also be releasing tutorials on how to do this on your own in the future, so stay tuned for those.

I’ve put together a chart comparing the design and functionality features of the List Section Banner Slideshow and my Pro Slider Plugin, so that you can easily decide which one is a better fit for your needs.

View Comparison Chart


Cheers to the Squarespace team! I think this is a fantastic new element that will allow for TONS of new customizable designs within Squarespace. The section is super robust, yet not difficult to navigate (for those of you who hand off projects to your clients).