Pro Slider vs Auto-Layouts Section Comparison Chart

Squarespace’s Auto Layouts Sections has an option called Banner Slideshow that’s pretty similar to my Pro Slider plugin, with a few key differences. The biggest thing is that my Pro Slider plugin offers a good bit more design functionality, so you can make each slide look however you want and they don’t all need to have the same layout.

My Slider plugin works by taking a normal Squarespace “section” and turning it into a slide in your slideshow, so you can use any Squarespace block on each slide, including forms, image blocks, video blocks, etc. This offer’s a lot more design and functional flexibility than the Section List Banner Slideshow, which as of this article only allows an image and basic text plus one button on each slide.

My Pro Slider plugin requires a few very simple novice-friendly steps using copy and paste code to get it working. It takes 5 minutes or less to install and comes with step-by-step instructions.

I’ve put together a chart comparing the design and functionality features of the List Section Banner Slideshow and my Pro Slider Plugin, so that you can easily decide which one is a better fit for your needs.

Auto-Layouts Section
Banner Slideshow
Pro Slider
Infinite Scroll
Mobile Optimized
Slider Dots
Auto Scroll
Fade Transition Effect
Static Text Over Slides
Works in Squarespace 7.0
Option to Maintain Aspect Ratio(No Background Image Cropping)
Will Myers

I support web designers and developers in Squarespace by providing resources to improve their skills.

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