Tabs Demo

An easy little plugin to add tabs to your Squarespace websites, using blocks.

*This is an update to my current Tabs (for Blocks) plugin. Anyone who has already bought the tabs plugin will get this update for free. It’s a pretty major update with a bunch of new features. Check it out below.


How to use the tabs plugin

This plugin works on Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1

Check out the simple installation process, as well as some of the different customized layouts and styling options built into the plugin in the video below.


0:38 - Requirements
1:00 - Basic Installation
6:40 - Tab Button Styles
8:25 - Vertical Tabs
9:22 - Hover Tabs
10:09 - Adjusting Fonts & Colors
13:43 - Advanced Features

Adding Blocks

You can add any type of Squarespace block within the tabs. In the example below, I use an Image Block, Text Block, Gallery Block, Form Block, and Social Media Block, but you can use any type of Squarespace Block you would like.


Like many American families, we have a very special canine member of our family. His name is Professor Charles (Prof for short), and he loves to do all kinds of normal dog things- playing fetch, eating treats, getting belly rubs, and settling in to peruse the Sunday edition of the New York Times (after chasing the paper delivery man down the block, of course).

When Prof started to get older, our family noticed that for the first time, he started having trouble with his eyesight. He bumped into the occasional inanimate object, and seemed to struggle through his favorite novels and magazines, squinting at pages until finally, he would give up in frustration and just chew the whole thing to bits.

We knew we had to help our buddy out, and so we began our journey to create Glasses for Dogs™, the first eyewear designed specifically with our canine friends in mind!

Our family is proud to have served the sight-impaired dog community for over 10 years, and we hope that you and your fluffy friends will join our pack at Glasses for Dogs™.


We’re excited to say we’ve just launched a whole new line of high-end designer ware for the up-town pooch! Glasses now come with a frame-only, no-prescription option, for the dog who wants to make a statement!


Get in touch

To inquire about glasses for your dog, drop us a line and we’ll be in touch with our breed-inclusive ordering guide!
(555) 555-5555

123 Smart Puppos
New York, NY 12345

Vertical Tabs

The tabs layout has options- tabs along the top (horizontal), or tabs stacked along the left-hand side (vertical). On mobile, the tabs default back to horizontal on top.


Like many American families, we have a very special canine member of our family. His name is Professor Charles (Prof for short), and he loves to do all kinds of normal dog things- playing fetch, eating treats, getting belly rubs, and settling in to peruse the Sunday edition of the New York Times (after chasing the paper delivery man down the block, of course).

When Prof started to get older, our family noticed that for the first time, he started having trouble with his eyesight. He bumped into the occasional inanimate object, and seemed to struggle through his favorite novels and magazines, squinting at pages until finally, he would give up in frustration and just chew the whole thing to bits.

We knew we had to help our buddy out, and so we began our journey to create Glasses for Dogs™, the first eyewear designed specifically with our canine friends in mind!

Our family is proud to have served the sight-impaired dog community for over 10 years, and we hope that you and your fluffy friends will join our pack at Glasses for Dogs™.


We’re excited to say we’ve just launched a whole new line of high-end designer ware for the up-town pooch! Glasses now come with a frame-only, no-prescription option, for the dog who wants to make a statement!


Get in touch

To inquire about glasses for your dog, drop us a line and we’ll be in touch with our breed-inclusive ordering guide!
(555) 555-5555

123 Smart Puppos
New York, NY 12345

Style Options

This plugin has several styling options for your tabs built in. Use the dropdown below to try them out and see which one you like the best for your website.


Like many American families, we have a very special canine member of our family. His name is Professor Charles (Prof for short), and he loves to do all kinds of normal dog things- playing fetch, eating treats, getting belly rubs, and settling in to peruse the Sunday edition of the New York Times (after chasing the paper delivery man down the block, of course).

When Prof started to get older, our family noticed that for the first time, he started having trouble with his eyesight. He bumped into the occasional inanimate object, and seemed to struggle through his favorite novels and magazines, squinting at pages until finally, he would give up in frustration and just chew the whole thing to bits.

We knew we had to help our buddy out, and so we began our journey to create Glasses for Dogs™, the first eyewear designed specifically with our canine friends in mind!

Our family is proud to have served the sight-impaired dog community for over 10 years, and we hope that you and your fluffy friends will join our pack at Glasses for Dogs™.


We’re excited to say we’ve just launched a whole new line of high-end designer ware for the up-town pooch! Glasses now come with a frame-only, no-prescription option, for the dog who wants to make a statement!


Get in touch

To inquire about glasses for your dog, drop us a line and we’ll be in touch with our breed-inclusive ordering guide!
(555) 555-5555

123 Smart Puppos
New York, NY 12345

Hover Tabs

You have the option to active tabs on hover instead of on click. On touch devices, like mobile where hover isn’t an option, the tabs default back to click.


Like many American families, we have a very special canine member of our family. His name is Professor Charles (Prof for short), and he loves to do all kinds of normal dog things- playing fetch, eating treats, getting belly rubs, and settling in to peruse the Sunday edition of the New York Times (after chasing the paper delivery man down the block, of course).

When Prof started to get older, our family noticed that for the first time, he started having trouble with his eyesight. He bumped into the occasional inanimate object, and seemed to struggle through his favorite novels and magazines, squinting at pages until finally, he would give up in frustration and just chew the whole thing to bits.

We knew we had to help our buddy out, and so we began our journey to create Glasses for Dogs™, the first eyewear designed specifically with our canine friends in mind!

Our family is proud to have served the sight-impaired dog community for over 10 years, and we hope that you and your fluffy friends will join our pack at Glasses for Dogs™.


We’re excited to say we’ve just launched a whole new line of high-end designer ware for the up-town pooch! Glasses now come with a frame-only, no-prescription option, for the dog who wants to make a statement!


Get in touch

To inquire about glasses for your dog, drop us a line and we’ll be in touch with our breed-inclusive ordering guide!
(555) 555-5555

123 Smart Puppos
New York, NY 12345

Get this Plugin

Custom Styling

This plugin also comes with documentation on the HTML and CSS structure of the tabs element, so you that you can customize it however you’d like.


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Contact us.
(555) 555-5555

123 Demo Street
New York, NY 12345