Absolutely! Follow the instructions in this video and download the custom files below.
Step 1
Download the following 3 files and upload them to your Squarespace website:
Step 2
Copy the two code snippets, and paste them into their designated areas.
The Styles go in the Site Header Code Injection area.
<!-- Toolkit for Popup from Will-Myers.com -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/s/wmToolkit.js">
<!-- Popup Styles from Will-Myers.com -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/s/wmPopup.css">
The Javascript goes in the Site Footer Code Injection area.
<!-- Popup Plugin from Will-Myers.com -->
<script src="/s/wmPopup.js"></script>
Step 3
Replace the URL’s, "/s/wmToolkit.js", "/s/wmPopup.css", and "/s/wmPopup.js" to match the unique URL’s that Squarespace generates for you.